
China Passenger Elevator Factory Introduces The Basic Process Of Installing Elevators

Summary: China Passenger Elevator Factory introduces the basic process of installing elevators: The civil engineering of the e...

China Passenger Elevator Factory introduces the basic process of installing elevators:

  1. The civil engineering of the elevator shaft shall be inspected to determine whether its position and size meet the civil layout and other requirements provided by the elevator manufacturer.
  2. Set protective railings for the reserved holes of the landing doors, and set temporary cover plates for the reserved holes of the machine room leading to the hoistway.
  3. Install guide rails after setting the reference line in the hoistway.
  4. Equipment installation in the machine room, piping, and wiring in the shaft.
  5. Install landing doors and other related accessories after the car is assembled.
  6. After the power-on and no-load test runs are qualified, the load test runs, and the operation of each safety device is checked whether it is normal and accurate.
  7. Organize various records and prepare to apply for approval.